3 10 475 /escritoras/archivos/files/original/61509d56c88d8d3b0bb2b6e1655c8a6b.jpg 6cd14130fbdec1ab74e358de3689a11c /escritoras/archivos/files/original/747253c25dd8cdbe235085d81f6c74ab.jpg f03f87d06ce0cd922a40188eb149aaee Dublin Core The Dublin Core metadata element set is common to all Omeka records, including items, files, and collections. For more information see, https://dublincore.org/documents/dces/. Title A name given to the resource Comunicados MOFFyL Description An account of the resource Comunicados y documentos de las Mujeres Organizadas de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras Contributor An entity responsible for making contributions to the resource Sari Meléndez y Jonathan Girón Palau Still Image A static visual representation. Examples include paintings, drawings, graphic designs, plans and maps. Recommended best practice is to assign the type Text to images of textual materials. Dublin Core The Dublin Core metadata element set is common to all Omeka records, including items, files, and collections. For more information see, https://dublincore.org/documents/dces/. Identifier An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context TFF-CCM-025 Coverage The spatial or temporal topic of the resource, the spatial applicability of the resource, or the jurisdiction under which the resource is relevant 30 de enero de 2020 Title A name given to the resource Pronunciamiento contra atentado feminicida en FES Aragón Subject The topic of the resource Huelga feminista; comunicado MOFFyL; UNAM; FES Aragón Description An account of the resource Pronunciamiento contra atentado feminicida en FES Aragón Creator An entity primarily responsible for making the resource MOFFyL Source A related resource from which the described resource is derived https://www.facebook.com/MujeresOrganizadasFFyL Publisher An entity responsible for making the resource available Grupo de Investigación Escritos de Mujeres Date A point or period of time associated with an event in the lifecycle of the resource 2021 Rights Information about rights held in and over the resource Dominio público Relation A related resource Comunicados MOFFyL Format The file format, physical medium, or dimensions of the resource .jpg Language A language of the resource Español Type The nature or genre of the resource Documento Contributor An entity responsible for making contributions to the resource Sari Meléndez y Jonathan Girón Palau /escritoras/archivos/files/original/f91975b1ade9acf61b49926778c71974.png aade2c8d8e98a44fa4fe572907da79ea Dublin Core The Dublin Core metadata element set is common to all Omeka records, including items, files, and collections. For more information see, https://dublincore.org/documents/dces/. Title A name given to the resource Comunicados MOFFyL Description An account of the resource Comunicados y documentos de las Mujeres Organizadas de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras Contributor An entity responsible for making contributions to the resource Sari Meléndez y Jonathan Girón Palau Still Image A static visual representation. Examples include paintings, drawings, graphic designs, plans and maps. Recommended best practice is to assign the type Text to images of textual materials. Dublin Core The Dublin Core metadata element set is common to all Omeka records, including items, files, and collections. For more information see, https://dublincore.org/documents/dces/. Identifier An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context TFF-CCM-026 Coverage The spatial or temporal topic of the resource, the spatial applicability of the resource, or the jurisdiction under which the resource is relevant 1 de febrero de 2020 Title A name given to the resource Denuncia Subject The topic of the resource Huelga feminista; comunicado MOFFyL; UNAM; FCPyS Description An account of the resource El día de hoy un sujeto que se autodenominó estudiante de la FCPyS; en una camioneta Nissan placas NBP 7873 se estacionó fuera de la FCPyS y comenzó a tomar fotos de las compañeras que se encuentran cuidando la facultad. El tipo comenzó a insultar y amenazar a las compañeras con una piedra mientras vigilancia UNAM no hizo absolutamente nada. Responsabilizamos a seguridad UNAM y a la patrulla #66 placas Z77 BCS de cualquier agresión contra nuestras compañeras. ¡Ninguna agresión sin respuesta! Creator An entity primarily responsible for making the resource Asamblea Separatista de la FCPyS Source A related resource from which the described resource is derived https://www.facebook.com/MujeresOrganizadasFFyL Publisher An entity responsible for making the resource available Grupo de Investigación Escritos de Mujeres Date A point or period of time associated with an event in the lifecycle of the resource 2021 Rights Information about rights held in and over the resource Dominio público Relation A related resource Comunicados MOFFyL Format The file format, physical medium, or dimensions of the resource .png Language A language of the resource Español Type The nature or genre of the resource Documento Contributor An entity responsible for making contributions to the resource Sari Meléndez y Jonathan Girón Palau /escritoras/archivos/files/original/63ec04e96664acc96db5b15aaff38ec4.jpg cedc8548129c2f7032fea707f4feb3b5 /escritoras/archivos/files/original/c2d188a706a4b3b01ebc418c08a1dfdd.jpg 7dbb184aec95b8a3decdcd443cde84e9 /escritoras/archivos/files/original/aaf0d9dd354e0b0e346a6272ae85a5ca.jpg dafa67ea688e35a5804016adef6eccad Dublin Core The Dublin Core metadata element set is common to all Omeka records, including items, files, and collections. For more information see, https://dublincore.org/documents/dces/. Title A name given to the resource Comunicados MOFFyL Description An account of the resource Comunicados y documentos de las Mujeres Organizadas de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras Contributor An entity responsible for making contributions to the resource Sari Meléndez y Jonathan Girón Palau Still Image A static visual representation. Examples include paintings, drawings, graphic designs, plans and maps. Recommended best practice is to assign the type Text to images of textual materials. Dublin Core The Dublin Core metadata element set is common to all Omeka records, including items, files, and collections. For more information see, https://dublincore.org/documents/dces/. Identifier An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context TFF-CCM-027 Coverage The spatial or temporal topic of the resource, the spatial applicability of the resource, or the jurisdiction under which the resource is relevant 5 de febrero de 2020 Title A name given to the resource Pronunciamiento ante los hechos acontecidos el día 4 de febrero en la facultad de derecho Subject The topic of the resource Huelga feminista; comunicado MOFFyL; UNAM; Mujeres Facultad de Derecho Description An account of the resource Pronunciamiento ante los hechos acontecidos el día 4 de febrero en la facultad de derecho Creator An entity primarily responsible for making the resource Mujeres en lucha de la Facultad de Derecho Source A related resource from which the described resource is derived https://www.facebook.com/MujeresOrganizadasFFyL Publisher An entity responsible for making the resource available Grupo de Investigación Escritos de Mujeres Date A point or period of time associated with an event in the lifecycle of the resource 2021 Rights Information about rights held in and over the resource Dominio público Relation A related resource Comunicados MOFFyL Format The file format, physical medium, or dimensions of the resource .jpg Language A language of the resource Español Type The nature or genre of the resource Documento Contributor An entity responsible for making contributions to the resource Sari Meléndez y Jonathan Girón Palau /escritoras/archivos/files/original/a7913bb97f9bb75ae99df62a7d3d3107.jpg d02d6f43bbdd9e7c28f6d691fc0ca2ba Dublin Core The Dublin Core metadata element set is common to all Omeka records, including items, files, and collections. For more information see, https://dublincore.org/documents/dces/. Title A name given to the resource Comunicados MOFFyL Description An account of the resource Comunicados y documentos de las Mujeres Organizadas de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras Contributor An entity responsible for making contributions to the resource Sari Meléndez y Jonathan Girón Palau Still Image A static visual representation. Examples include paintings, drawings, graphic designs, plans and maps. Recommended best practice is to assign the type Text to images of textual materials. Dublin Core The Dublin Core metadata element set is common to all Omeka records, including items, files, and collections. For more information see, https://dublincore.org/documents/dces/. Identifier An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context TFF-CCM-028 Coverage The spatial or temporal topic of the resource, the spatial applicability of the resource, or the jurisdiction under which the resource is relevant 6 de febrero de 2020 Title A name given to the resource A la comunidad de la Facultad de Arquitectura Subject The topic of the resource Huelga feminista; comunicado MOFFyL; UNAM; Mujeres Facultad de Arquitectura Description An account of the resource Pronunciamiento de las mujeres de la Facultad de Arquitectura Creator An entity primarily responsible for making the resource Mujeres de la Facultad de Arquitectura Source A related resource from which the described resource is derived https://www.facebook.com/MujeresOrganizadasFFyL Publisher An entity responsible for making the resource available Grupo de Investigación Escritos de Mujeres Date A point or period of time associated with an event in the lifecycle of the resource 2021 Rights Information about rights held in and over the resource Dominio público Relation A related resource Comunicados MOFFyL Format The file format, physical medium, or dimensions of the resource .jpg Language A language of the resource Español Type The nature or genre of the resource Documento Contributor An entity responsible for making contributions to the resource Sari Meléndez y Jonathan Girón Palau /escritoras/archivos/files/original/ed9c243e8a26670c9d1e000a5174f359.jpg 2fb3b15d02feba4564b45c00ab55f7e7 /escritoras/archivos/files/original/c35e5b26159f8c808645a93cc6f0ac34.jpg 80f28ff8f1324fefa88081490ed2ada4 Dublin Core The Dublin Core metadata element set is common to all Omeka records, including items, files, and collections. For more information see, https://dublincore.org/documents/dces/. Title A name given to the resource Comunicados MOFFyL Description An account of the resource Comunicados y documentos de las Mujeres Organizadas de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras Contributor An entity responsible for making contributions to the resource Sari Meléndez y Jonathan Girón Palau Still Image A static visual representation. Examples include paintings, drawings, graphic designs, plans and maps. Recommended best practice is to assign the type Text to images of textual materials. Dublin Core The Dublin Core metadata element set is common to all Omeka records, including items, files, and collections. For more information see, https://dublincore.org/documents/dces/. Identifier An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context TFF-CCM-030 Coverage The spatial or temporal topic of the resource, the spatial applicability of the resource, or the jurisdiction under which the resource is relevant 7 de febrero de 2020 Title A name given to the resource Transparencia universitaria. Actualización de firmantes Subject The topic of the resource Huelga feminista; comunicado MOFFyL; UNAM Description An account of the resource #TransparenciaUniversitaria #ConsejoUniversitarioEnVivo Actualización de firmantes: Mujeres Organizadas de P8 - ENP 8 Mujeres maestrantes del Programa de Estudios Latinoamericanos Colectiva Ácrata Feminista - CCH Azcapotzalco Rosas Rojas Colectiva Pétalos de Sangre - CCH Vallejo Sorece. Asociación de psicólogas feministas A.C. Red de Movimientos Feministas de Guanajuato Capital Colectiva Feminista: Las Semillas de Curie. - Facultad de Química Mujeres Organizadas Prepa 4 - ENP 4 Colectiva Furias P6 - ENP 6 Creator An entity primarily responsible for making the resource VVAA Source A related resource from which the described resource is derived https: www.facebook.com MujeresOrganizadasFFyL Publisher An entity responsible for making the resource available Grupo de Investigación Escritos de Mujeres Date A point or period of time associated with an event in the lifecycle of the resource 2021 Rights Information about rights held in and over the resource Dominio público Relation A related resource Comunicados MOFFyL Format The file format, physical medium, or dimensions of the resource .jpg Language A language of the resource Español Type The nature or genre of the resource Documento Contributor An entity responsible for making contributions to the resource Sari Meléndez y Jonathan Girón Palau Dublin Core The Dublin Core metadata element set is common to all Omeka records, including items, files, and collections. For more information see, https://dublincore.org/documents/dces/. Title A name given to the resource Comunicados MOFFyL Description An account of the resource Comunicados y documentos de las Mujeres Organizadas de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras Contributor An entity responsible for making contributions to the resource Sari Meléndez y Jonathan Girón Palau Hyperlink A link, or reference, to another resource on the Internet. URL https://www.facebook.com/MujeresOrganizadasFFyL/posts/511423546033009 Dublin Core The Dublin Core metadata element set is common to all Omeka records, including items, files, and collections. For more information see, https://dublincore.org/documents/dces/. Identifier An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context TFF-CCM-031 Coverage The spatial or temporal topic of the resource, the spatial applicability of the resource, or the jurisdiction under which the resource is relevant 9 de de febrero de 2020 Title A name given to the resource Denuncia porros Subject The topic of the resource Huelga feminista; comunicado MOFFyL; UNAM Description An account of the resource El día de hoy 9 de febrero de 2020; después de un partido en el estadio universitario; alrededor de las 16:30hrs grupos de porros comenzaron a rodear la facultad; al momento hay aproximadamente 55 porros repartidos entre el estacionamiento y el CEPE consumiendo bebidas alcohólicas. Las Mujeres Organizadas que sostenemos la toma de la FFyL; volvemos a responsabilizar a la UNAM por cualquier eventualidad que ocurra durante el día por la presencia de estos grupos de choque mandados nuevamente para intimidar. Creator An entity primarily responsible for making the resource MOFFyL Source A related resource from which the described resource is derived https://www.facebook.com/MujeresOrganizadasFFyL/posts/511423546033009 Publisher An entity responsible for making the resource available Grupo de Investigación Escritos de Mujeres Date A point or period of time associated with an event in the lifecycle of the resource 2021 Rights Information about rights held in and over the resource Dominio público Relation A related resource Comunicados MOFFyL Format The file format, physical medium, or dimensions of the resource html Language A language of the resource Español Type The nature or genre of the resource Texto Contributor An entity responsible for making contributions to the resource Sari Meléndez y Jonathan Girón Palau /escritoras/archivos/files/original/2ee2e99421adb8b6fdbd241e189028ab.jpg e8d993db714a7937e94ecc28d80c4d29 /escritoras/archivos/files/original/43b918a8e646c085723787efe289468d.jpg 78f161d95160695145058fe37477d4e3 /escritoras/archivos/files/original/8dcf6eaf6bc12e41499afaaf34b5bf4e.jpg 7868d5d16b92417684367dd8078d87bd /escritoras/archivos/files/original/987cd38def4a55a680bb692f7eba46e4.jpg bdc27fcca595a4ef9a1babf081be169d Dublin Core The Dublin Core metadata element set is common to all Omeka records, including items, files, and collections. For more information see, https://dublincore.org/documents/dces/. Title A name given to the resource Comunicados MOFFyL Description An account of the resource Comunicados y documentos de las Mujeres Organizadas de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras Contributor An entity responsible for making contributions to the resource Sari Meléndez y Jonathan Girón Palau Still Image A static visual representation. Examples include paintings, drawings, graphic designs, plans and maps. Recommended best practice is to assign the type Text to images of textual materials. Dublin Core The Dublin Core metadata element set is common to all Omeka records, including items, files, and collections. For more information see, https://dublincore.org/documents/dces/. Identifier An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context TFF-CCM-032 Coverage The spatial or temporal topic of the resource, the spatial applicability of the resource, or the jurisdiction under which the resource is relevant 12 de febrero de 2020 Title A name given to the resource Comunicado sobre las reformas a los artículos 95; 98 y 99 del Estatuto General de la UNAM. Subject The topic of the resource Huelga feminista; comunicado MOFFyL; UNAM Description An account of the resource Comunicado sobre las reformas a los artículos 95; 98 y 99 del Estatuto General de la UNAM. Creator An entity primarily responsible for making the resource MOFFyL Source A related resource from which the described resource is derived https://www.facebook.com/MujeresOrganizadasFFyL Publisher An entity responsible for making the resource available Grupo de Investigación Escritos de Mujeres Date A point or period of time associated with an event in the lifecycle of the resource 2021 Rights Information about rights held in and over the resource Dominio público Relation A related resource Comunicados MOFFyL Format The file format, physical medium, or dimensions of the resource .jpg Language A language of the resource Español Type The nature or genre of the resource Documento Contributor An entity responsible for making contributions to the resource Sari Meléndez y Jonathan Girón Palau Dublin Core The Dublin Core metadata element set is common to all Omeka records, including items, files, and collections. For more information see, https://dublincore.org/documents/dces/. Title A name given to the resource Comunicados MOFFyL Description An account of the resource Comunicados y documentos de las Mujeres Organizadas de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras Contributor An entity responsible for making contributions to the resource Sari Meléndez y Jonathan Girón Palau Hyperlink A link, or reference, to another resource on the Internet. URL https://www.facebook.com/MujeresOrganizadasFFyL/posts/513415355833828 Dublin Core The Dublin Core metadata element set is common to all Omeka records, including items, files, and collections. For more information see, https://dublincore.org/documents/dces/. Identifier An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context TFF-CCM-033 Coverage The spatial or temporal topic of the resource, the spatial applicability of the resource, or the jurisdiction under which the resource is relevant 13 de febrero de 2020 Title A name given to the resource Comunicado Mujeres organizadas FES Iztacala Subject The topic of the resource Huelga feminista; comunicado MOFFyL; UNAM; FES Iztacala Description An account of the resource Nos mandan la siguiente información las Mujeres Organizadas de Fes Iztacala: COMUNICADO Hoy 12 de Febrero de 2020 mujeres organizadas de la FES Iztacala tomaron pacíficamente cerca de la 6:30 am el edificio de gobierno. Se pidió a los directivos salir y dos de ellos se negaron; entre ellos; el Dr. Peñalosa y la profesora Tzasná; dos trabajadores y una trabajadora. Posteriormente estos directivos abrieron la puerta de los costados del edificio de gobierno. Las compañeras fueron intimidadas y violentadas por parte de alumnos; trabajadores y académicos por la toma simbólica en respuesta a los ucasos de acoso y violencia machista que abunda en la UNAM y en la FESI. Más tarde los vigilantes anunciaron que las actividades en la FESI serían canceladas y se negaría el acceso a los estudiantes por indicaciones de la directora Patricia Dávila. Como mujeres organizadas reiteramos que no vamos a callarnos ante las violencias machistas que existen en la UNAM; nos sumamos a la exigencia de las compañeras de los demás planteles y la de nuestras compañeras; que han sido ignoradas y violentadas en la FESI. No nos callaremos más; es hora de posicionarnos ante la total indiferencia de las autoridades ante la violencia de género usando como calmante cursos inservibles y acompañamientos de denuncias violentas. Somos mujeres de la facultad que gritamos no más a los acosos de compañeros; maestros y trabajadores. No vamos a parar. MUJERES ORGANIZADAS DE FES IZTACALA Creator An entity primarily responsible for making the resource Mujeres Organizadas FES Iztacala Source A related resource from which the described resource is derived https://www.facebook.com/MujeresOrganizadasFFyL/posts/513415355833828 Publisher An entity responsible for making the resource available Grupo de Investigación Escritos de Mujeres Date A point or period of time associated with an event in the lifecycle of the resource 2021 Rights Information about rights held in and over the resource Dominio público Relation A related resource Comunicados MOFFyL Format The file format, physical medium, or dimensions of the resource html Language A language of the resource Español Type The nature or genre of the resource Texto Contributor An entity responsible for making contributions to the resource Sari Meléndez y Jonathan Girón Palau /escritoras/archivos/files/original/950ab4b0071c567b3407f0c9b8d6c28d.jpg 9dbfa5bc46686084b08f44d62dfa296f Dublin Core The Dublin Core metadata element set is common to all Omeka records, including items, files, and collections. For more information see, https://dublincore.org/documents/dces/. Title A name given to the resource Comunicados MOFFyL Description An account of the resource Comunicados y documentos de las Mujeres Organizadas de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras Contributor An entity responsible for making contributions to the resource Sari Meléndez y Jonathan Girón Palau Still Image A static visual representation. Examples include paintings, drawings, graphic designs, plans and maps. Recommended best practice is to assign the type Text to images of textual materials. Dublin Core The Dublin Core metadata element set is common to all Omeka records, including items, files, and collections. For more information see, https://dublincore.org/documents/dces/. Identifier An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context TFF-CCM-034 Coverage The spatial or temporal topic of the resource, the spatial applicability of the resource, or the jurisdiction under which the resource is relevant 21 de febrero de 2020 Title A name given to the resource Sobre la Comisión Tripartita Autónoma de la FFyL Subject The topic of the resource Huelga feminista; comunicado MOFFyL; UNAM; Tripartita Description An account of the resource Sobre la Comisión Tripartita Autónoma de la FFyL Creator An entity primarily responsible for making the resource MOFFyL Source A related resource from which the described resource is derived https://www.facebook.com/MujeresOrganizadasFFyL Publisher An entity responsible for making the resource available Grupo de Investigación Escritos de Mujeres Date A point or period of time associated with an event in the lifecycle of the resource 2021 Rights Information about rights held in and over the resource Dominio público Relation A related resource Comunicados MOFFyL Format The file format, physical medium, or dimensions of the resource .jpg Language A language of the resource Español Type The nature or genre of the resource Imagen Contributor An entity responsible for making contributions to the resource Sari Meléndez y Jonathan Girón Palau Dublin Core The Dublin Core metadata element set is common to all Omeka records, including items, files, and collections. For more information see, https://dublincore.org/documents/dces/. Title A name given to the resource Comunicados MOFFyL Description An account of the resource Comunicados y documentos de las Mujeres Organizadas de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras Contributor An entity responsible for making contributions to the resource Sari Meléndez y Jonathan Girón Palau Hyperlink A link, or reference, to another resource on the Internet. URL https://www.facebook.com/MujeresOrganizadasFFyL/posts/519538525221511 Dublin Core The Dublin Core metadata element set is common to all Omeka records, including items, files, and collections. For more information see, https://dublincore.org/documents/dces/. Identifier An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context TFF-CCM-035 Coverage The spatial or temporal topic of the resource, the spatial applicability of the resource, or the jurisdiction under which the resource is relevant 23 de febero de 2020 Title A name given to the resource Denuncia porros Subject The topic of the resource Huelga feminista; comunicado MOFFyL; UNAM; porros Description An account of the resource El día de hoy 23 de febrero de 2020; después de un partido en el estadio universitario; alrededor de las 15:00hrs grupos de porros comenzaron a rodear la facultad; al momento hay aproximadamente 80-90 porros repartidos: 40 frente a la facultad entre; 15 el estacionamiento y 25 el CEPE consumiendo bebidas alcohólicas y gritando consignas de orgullo universitario. Las Mujeres Organizadas que sostenemos la toma de la FFyL; volvemos a responsabilizar a la UNAM por cualquier eventualidad que ocurra durante el día por la presencia de estos grupos de choque mandados nuevamente para intimidar; haciéndoles notar que cada vez mandan una mayor cantidad. Creator An entity primarily responsible for making the resource MOFFyL Source A related resource from which the described resource is derived https://www.facebook.com/MujeresOrganizadasFFyL/posts/519538525221511 Publisher An entity responsible for making the resource available Grupo de Investigación Escritos de Mujeres Date A point or period of time associated with an event in the lifecycle of the resource 2021 Rights Information about rights held in and over the resource Dominio público Relation A related resource Comunicados MOFFyL Format The file format, physical medium, or dimensions of the resource html Language A language of the resource Español Type The nature or genre of the resource Texto Contributor An entity responsible for making contributions to the resource Sari Meléndez y Jonathan Girón Palau