/escritoras/archivos/files/original/1eb381c4b867879b9f058d018685ab96.jpg 6a459ed4e311495525397595f52af68e Dublin Core The Dublin Core metadata element set is common to all Omeka records, including items, files, and collections. For more information see, https://dublincore.org/documents/dces/. Title A name given to the resource Carteles GIRE Subject The topic of the resource Carteles; Salud reproductiva; Aborto; Educación sexual; Violencia contra la mujer; GIRE; Mujeres; Libertad femenina Still Image A static visual representation. Examples include paintings, drawings, graphic designs, plans and maps. Recommended best practice is to assign the type Text to images of textual materials. Original Format The type of object, such as painting, sculpture, paper, photo, and additional data Cartel Dublin Core The Dublin Core metadata element set is common to all Omeka records, including items, files, and collections. For more information see, https://dublincore.org/documents/dces/. Title A name given to the resource Por el derecho al aborto seguro Subject The topic of the resource Aborto; Aborto seguro; Cartel Description An account of the resource Cartel. "Porque el cuerpo es nuestra única posesión ciudadana real luchamos porque todas las mujeres; jóvenes y adultos decidan libremente sobre los suyos. Las mujeres jóvenes y con escasos recursos tienen más probabilidades de morir a causa de complicaciones por abortos inseguros." Informó Decidir Coalición de Jóvenes por la Ciudadanía Sexual. Folio de origen 000257. Medidas: 56 X 42.5 cm Creator An entity primarily responsible for making the resource GIRE Source A related resource from which the described resource is derived GIRE Publisher An entity responsible for making the resource available Grupo de Investigación Escritos de Mujeres Date A point or period of time associated with an event in the lifecycle of the resource 2022 Contributor An entity responsible for making contributions to the resource Amanda Valencia Santiago Format The file format, physical medium, or dimensions of the resource .jpg Language A language of the resource Español Coverage The spatial or temporal topic of the resource, the spatial applicability of the resource, or the jurisdiction under which the resource is relevant s f