20 10 475 /escritoras/archivos/files/original/a59f25643a134d31dcadd3e2f6fecdb3.jpg 5858ebd0547fb383a6737f9b21d84165 Dublin Core The Dublin Core metadata element set is common to all Omeka records, including items, files, and collections. For more information see, https://dublincore.org/documents/dces/. Title A name given to the resource Beatriz Lugo y familia Description An account of the resource La colección “Beatriz Lugo y familia” es un acervo de veintiocho fotografías, poemas, cartas y publicaciones de Beatriz Lugo Osornio en distintos momentos de su vida. En dicha colección también aparecen fotografías de sus familiares, en especifico de su madre, de su hermana y de sus sobrinas. Fue una donación digital de Beatriz Lugo al proyecto Una en Una y al Archivo Histórico de la UNAM. Still Image A static visual representation. Examples include paintings, drawings, graphic designs, plans and maps. Recommended best practice is to assign the type Text to images of textual materials. Original Format The type of object, such as painting, sculpture, paper, photo, and additional data Portada Physical Dimensions The actual physical size of the original image JPG: 1268 KB Dublin Core The Dublin Core metadata element set is common to all Omeka records, including items, files, and collections. For more information see, https://dublincore.org/documents/dces/. Title A name given to the resource Beatriz y folleto de innovaciones para institutos tecnológicos Subject The topic of the resource Folleto, Innovaciones, Institutos Description An account of the resource Portada del trabajo que presento la DGES sobre innovaciones instruccionales. En el cual, Beatriz es colaboladora. Creator An entity primarily responsible for making the resource Beatriz Lugo Osornio Source A related resource from which the described resource is derived AHUNAM/Beatriz Lugo Osornio Publisher An entity responsible for making the resource available Grupo de Investigación Escritos de Mujeres Date A point or period of time associated with an event in the lifecycle of the resource 2020 Contributor An entity responsible for making contributions to the resource Vanessa Cruz García Rights Information about rights held in and over the resource AHUNAM Relation A related resource Colección Beatriz y familia Format The file format, physical medium, or dimensions of the resource JPG: 1268 KB Language A language of the resource Español Type The nature or genre of the resource Portada Identifier An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context Una en Una Coverage The spatial or temporal topic of the resource, the spatial applicability of the resource, or the jurisdiction under which the resource is relevant 05/04/1976 /escritoras/archivos/files/original/c9f63182be2ad718049fb05cba20de3c.jpg 236fcf4031abb476bea87d5072f20ee2 Dublin Core The Dublin Core metadata element set is common to all Omeka records, including items, files, and collections. For more information see, https://dublincore.org/documents/dces/. Title A name given to the resource Beatriz Lugo y familia Description An account of the resource La colección “Beatriz Lugo y familia” es un acervo de veintiocho fotografías, poemas, cartas y publicaciones de Beatriz Lugo Osornio en distintos momentos de su vida. En dicha colección también aparecen fotografías de sus familiares, en especifico de su madre, de su hermana y de sus sobrinas. Fue una donación digital de Beatriz Lugo al proyecto Una en Una y al Archivo Histórico de la UNAM. Still Image A static visual representation. Examples include paintings, drawings, graphic designs, plans and maps. Recommended best practice is to assign the type Text to images of textual materials. Original Format The type of object, such as painting, sculpture, paper, photo, and additional data Folleto Physical Dimensions The actual physical size of the original image JPG: 1013 KB Dublin Core The Dublin Core metadata element set is common to all Omeka records, including items, files, and collections. For more information see, https://dublincore.org/documents/dces/. Title A name given to the resource Folleto Dirección General de Educaciòn Superior Subject The topic of the resource Folleto, Dirección, Educación Superior Description An account of the resource Portada del folleto "Direcciòn General de Educaciòn Superior" de 1976. En el cual, Beatriz colaboró. Creator An entity primarily responsible for making the resource Beatriz Lugo Osornio Source A related resource from which the described resource is derived AHUNAM/Beatriz Lugo Osornio Publisher An entity responsible for making the resource available Grupo de Investigación Escritos de Mujeres Date A point or period of time associated with an event in the lifecycle of the resource 2020 Contributor An entity responsible for making contributions to the resource Vanessa Cruz García Rights Information about rights held in and over the resource AHUNAM Relation A related resource Colección Beatriz y familia Format The file format, physical medium, or dimensions of the resource JPG: 1013 KB Language A language of the resource Español Type The nature or genre of the resource Folleto Identifier An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context Una en Una Coverage The spatial or temporal topic of the resource, the spatial applicability of the resource, or the jurisdiction under which the resource is relevant abr-76 /escritoras/archivos/files/original/f96d3fe3bbe7ede64a1e83165ca0e993.jpg f3c9296cfb3024751f70f94e6ec0ff15 Dublin Core The Dublin Core metadata element set is common to all Omeka records, including items, files, and collections. For more information see, https://dublincore.org/documents/dces/. Title A name given to the resource Beatriz Lugo y familia Description An account of the resource La colección “Beatriz Lugo y familia” es un acervo de veintiocho fotografías, poemas, cartas y publicaciones de Beatriz Lugo Osornio en distintos momentos de su vida. En dicha colección también aparecen fotografías de sus familiares, en especifico de su madre, de su hermana y de sus sobrinas. Fue una donación digital de Beatriz Lugo al proyecto Una en Una y al Archivo Histórico de la UNAM. Text A resource consisting primarily of words for reading. Examples include books, letters, dissertations, poems, newspapers, articles, archives of mailing lists. Note that facsimiles or images of texts are still of the genre Text. Text Any textual data included in the document Articulo del folleto Dirección General de educación Superior Original Format The type of object, such as painting, sculpture, paper, photo, and additional data Articulo Dublin Core The Dublin Core metadata element set is common to all Omeka records, including items, files, and collections. For more information see, https://dublincore.org/documents/dces/. Title A name given to the resource Articulo del folleto Dirección General de educación Superior Subject The topic of the resource Artículo, Folleto, Educación Superior Description An account of the resource Artículo del folleto DGES en donde se publican cartas y comentarios sobre eventos internacionales, en donde participaron Beatriz y Cristina. Creator An entity primarily responsible for making the resource Beatriz Lugo Osornio Source A related resource from which the described resource is derived AHUNAM/Beatriz Lugo Osornio Publisher An entity responsible for making the resource available Grupo de Investigación Escritos de Mujeres Date A point or period of time associated with an event in the lifecycle of the resource 2020 Contributor An entity responsible for making contributions to the resource Vanessa Cruz García Rights Information about rights held in and over the resource AHUNAM Relation A related resource Colección Beatriz y familia Format The file format, physical medium, or dimensions of the resource JPG: 2323 KB Language A language of the resource Español Type The nature or genre of the resource Articulo Identifier An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context Una en Una Coverage The spatial or temporal topic of the resource, the spatial applicability of the resource, or the jurisdiction under which the resource is relevant abr-76 /escritoras/archivos/files/original/1659b6de793f921e4007a6b91f18511c.jpg 76a9704b19d706c5f3ef89aaa79ac3d5 Dublin Core The Dublin Core metadata element set is common to all Omeka records, including items, files, and collections. For more information see, https://dublincore.org/documents/dces/. Title A name given to the resource Beatriz Lugo y familia Description An account of the resource La colección “Beatriz Lugo y familia” es un acervo de veintiocho fotografías, poemas, cartas y publicaciones de Beatriz Lugo Osornio en distintos momentos de su vida. En dicha colección también aparecen fotografías de sus familiares, en especifico de su madre, de su hermana y de sus sobrinas. Fue una donación digital de Beatriz Lugo al proyecto Una en Una y al Archivo Histórico de la UNAM. Still Image A static visual representation. Examples include paintings, drawings, graphic designs, plans and maps. Recommended best practice is to assign the type Text to images of textual materials. Original Format The type of object, such as painting, sculpture, paper, photo, and additional data Fotografía Physical Dimensions The actual physical size of the original image JPG: 603 KB Dublin Core The Dublin Core metadata element set is common to all Omeka records, including items, files, and collections. For more information see, https://dublincore.org/documents/dces/. Title A name given to the resource María Aguirre Gambino de Lugo al volante Subject The topic of the resource María, Volante, Automóvil, Conductora Description An account of the resource María Aguirre al volante de su coche, con unos familiares, en la zona Hipòdromo de la Ciudad de México. Creator An entity primarily responsible for making the resource Marìa Aguirre Gambino de Lugo Source A related resource from which the described resource is derived AHUNAM/Beatriz Lugo Osornio Publisher An entity responsible for making the resource available Grupo de Investigación Escritos de Mujeres Date A point or period of time associated with an event in the lifecycle of the resource 2020 Contributor An entity responsible for making contributions to the resource Vanessa Cruz García Rights Information about rights held in and over the resource AHUNAM Relation A related resource Colección Beatriz y familia Format The file format, physical medium, or dimensions of the resource JPG: 603 KB Language A language of the resource Español Type The nature or genre of the resource Fotografía Identifier An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context Una en Una Coverage The spatial or temporal topic of the resource, the spatial applicability of the resource, or the jurisdiction under which the resource is relevant S/f /escritoras/archivos/files/original/b4a19a7df0451166855dc19d9a2911d3.jpg 89fc3bde9ac98d03126613c285093b80 Dublin Core The Dublin Core metadata element set is common to all Omeka records, including items, files, and collections. For more information see, https://dublincore.org/documents/dces/. Title A name given to the resource Beatriz Lugo y familia Description An account of the resource La colección “Beatriz Lugo y familia” es un acervo de veintiocho fotografías, poemas, cartas y publicaciones de Beatriz Lugo Osornio en distintos momentos de su vida. En dicha colección también aparecen fotografías de sus familiares, en especifico de su madre, de su hermana y de sus sobrinas. Fue una donación digital de Beatriz Lugo al proyecto Una en Una y al Archivo Histórico de la UNAM. Still Image A static visual representation. Examples include paintings, drawings, graphic designs, plans and maps. Recommended best practice is to assign the type Text to images of textual materials. Original Format The type of object, such as painting, sculpture, paper, photo, and additional data Fotografía Physical Dimensions The actual physical size of the original image JPG: 386 KB Dublin Core The Dublin Core metadata element set is common to all Omeka records, including items, files, and collections. For more information see, https://dublincore.org/documents/dces/. Title A name given to the resource Madre e hija al volante Subject The topic of the resource Madre, Hija, María, Marta, Automóvil, Volante Description An account of the resource María Aguirre Gambino de Lugo junto a su hija Marta, en frente de un coche. Creator An entity primarily responsible for making the resource María Aguirre Gambino de Lugo Source A related resource from which the described resource is derived AHUNAM/Beatriz Lugo Osornio Publisher An entity responsible for making the resource available Grupo de Investigación Escritos de Mujeres Date A point or period of time associated with an event in the lifecycle of the resource 2020 Contributor An entity responsible for making contributions to the resource Vanessa Cruz García Rights Information about rights held in and over the resource AHUNAM Relation A related resource Colección Beatriz y familia Format The file format, physical medium, or dimensions of the resource JPG: 386 KB Language A language of the resource Español Type The nature or genre of the resource Fotografía Identifier An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context Una en Una Coverage The spatial or temporal topic of the resource, the spatial applicability of the resource, or the jurisdiction under which the resource is relevant S/f /escritoras/archivos/files/original/970c9eb8be78d8e0404db19fbaa22224.jpg 3ed4a4105e36da1dbea759dd1025fe7a Dublin Core The Dublin Core metadata element set is common to all Omeka records, including items, files, and collections. For more information see, https://dublincore.org/documents/dces/. Title A name given to the resource Beatriz Lugo y familia Description An account of the resource La colección “Beatriz Lugo y familia” es un acervo de veintiocho fotografías, poemas, cartas y publicaciones de Beatriz Lugo Osornio en distintos momentos de su vida. En dicha colección también aparecen fotografías de sus familiares, en especifico de su madre, de su hermana y de sus sobrinas. Fue una donación digital de Beatriz Lugo al proyecto Una en Una y al Archivo Histórico de la UNAM. Text A resource consisting primarily of words for reading. Examples include books, letters, dissertations, poems, newspapers, articles, archives of mailing lists. Note that facsimiles or images of texts are still of the genre Text. Text Any textual data included in the document Poema mecanuscrito para María Aguirre, por el debut de la estudiantina "Aurora". Original Format The type of object, such as painting, sculpture, paper, photo, and additional data Poema mecanuscrito Dublin Core The Dublin Core metadata element set is common to all Omeka records, including items, files, and collections. For more information see, https://dublincore.org/documents/dces/. Title A name given to the resource Poema a María por el debut de "Aurora" Subject The topic of the resource Poema, Aurora, Estudiante, María Description An account of the resource Poema mecanuscrito para María Aguirre, por el debut de la estudiantina "Aurora". Creator An entity primarily responsible for making the resource María Aguirre Gambino de Lugo Source A related resource from which the described resource is derived AHUNAM/Beatriz Lugo Osornio Publisher An entity responsible for making the resource available Grupo de Investigación Escritos de Mujeres Date A point or period of time associated with an event in the lifecycle of the resource 2020 Contributor An entity responsible for making contributions to the resource Vanessa Cruz García Rights Information about rights held in and over the resource AHUNAM Relation A related resource Colección Beatriz y familia Format The file format, physical medium, or dimensions of the resource JPG: 1300 KB Language A language of the resource Español Type The nature or genre of the resource Poema Identifier An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context Una en Una Coverage The spatial or temporal topic of the resource, the spatial applicability of the resource, or the jurisdiction under which the resource is relevant may-02 /escritoras/archivos/files/original/8e595117296fb14ad4c096576b4382c1.jpg 3c207e29f5a0bc219f7334b32f23a398 Dublin Core The Dublin Core metadata element set is common to all Omeka records, including items, files, and collections. For more information see, https://dublincore.org/documents/dces/. Title A name given to the resource Beatriz Lugo y familia Description An account of the resource La colección “Beatriz Lugo y familia” es un acervo de veintiocho fotografías, poemas, cartas y publicaciones de Beatriz Lugo Osornio en distintos momentos de su vida. En dicha colección también aparecen fotografías de sus familiares, en especifico de su madre, de su hermana y de sus sobrinas. Fue una donación digital de Beatriz Lugo al proyecto Una en Una y al Archivo Histórico de la UNAM. Still Image A static visual representation. Examples include paintings, drawings, graphic designs, plans and maps. Recommended best practice is to assign the type Text to images of textual materials. Original Format The type of object, such as painting, sculpture, paper, photo, and additional data Fotografía Physical Dimensions The actual physical size of the original image JPG: 1138 KB Dublin Core The Dublin Core metadata element set is common to all Omeka records, including items, files, and collections. For more information see, https://dublincore.org/documents/dces/. Title A name given to the resource La flauta de Beatriz Subject The topic of the resource Beatriz, Flauta, Obra, Auditorio Description An account of the resource Beatriz tocando la flauta durante la obra "In Memoriam Carlos Pellicer" en el Auditorio de INDECO. Creator An entity primarily responsible for making the resource Beatriz Lugo Osornio Source A related resource from which the described resource is derived AHUNAM/Beatriz Lugo Osornio Publisher An entity responsible for making the resource available Grupo de Investigación Escritos de Mujeres Date A point or period of time associated with an event in the lifecycle of the resource 2020 Contributor An entity responsible for making contributions to the resource Vanessa Cruz García Rights Information about rights held in and over the resource AHUNAM Relation A related resource Colección Beatriz y familia Format The file format, physical medium, or dimensions of the resource JPG: 1138 KB Language A language of the resource Español Type The nature or genre of the resource Fotografía Identifier An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context Una en Una Coverage The spatial or temporal topic of the resource, the spatial applicability of the resource, or the jurisdiction under which the resource is relevant 17/06/1977 /escritoras/archivos/files/original/65fbaa2007fdfe5d8d669dfeb48280ef.jpg 76e45dfddd5e3cea55604ed8af5d1e30 /escritoras/archivos/files/original/70053cd1347c40312d8e2a92e4b077c2.jpg ff24ce105382a3199ad919211666b2bd /escritoras/archivos/files/original/80b1efbf2828c5d90a67dbc58e1afd77.jpg 88b2067442575e6d4d50ed015530cd4d Dublin Core The Dublin Core metadata element set is common to all Omeka records, including items, files, and collections. For more information see, https://dublincore.org/documents/dces/. Title A name given to the resource Beatriz Lugo y familia Description An account of the resource La colección “Beatriz Lugo y familia” es un acervo de veintiocho fotografías, poemas, cartas y publicaciones de Beatriz Lugo Osornio en distintos momentos de su vida. En dicha colección también aparecen fotografías de sus familiares, en especifico de su madre, de su hermana y de sus sobrinas. Fue una donación digital de Beatriz Lugo al proyecto Una en Una y al Archivo Histórico de la UNAM. Text A resource consisting primarily of words for reading. Examples include books, letters, dissertations, poems, newspapers, articles, archives of mailing lists. Note that facsimiles or images of texts are still of the genre Text. Text Any textual data included in the document Correograma mecanuscrito, en donde se informa a Beatriz que será reconocida y premiada por su alto desempeño académico. Se le reconoce ser una de las mejores estudiantes de México, de la generación 1973. Original Format The type of object, such as painting, sculpture, paper, photo, and additional data Correograma Dublin Core The Dublin Core metadata element set is common to all Omeka records, including items, files, and collections. For more information see, https://dublincore.org/documents/dces/. Title A name given to the resource Correograma a la mejor estudiante: Beatriz Subject The topic of the resource Correograma, Beatriz, Esudiante, Premiación Description An account of the resource Correograma mecanuscrito, en donde se informa a Beatriz que será reconocida y premiada por su alto desempeño académico. Se le reconoce ser una de las mejores estudiantes de México, de la generación 1973. Creator An entity primarily responsible for making the resource Beatriz Lugo Osornio Source A related resource from which the described resource is derived AHUNAM/Beatriz Lugo Osornio Publisher An entity responsible for making the resource available Grupo de Investigación Escritos de Mujeres Date A point or period of time associated with an event in the lifecycle of the resource 2020 Contributor An entity responsible for making contributions to the resource Vanessa Cruz García Rights Information about rights held in and over the resource AHUNAM Relation A related resource Colección Beatriz y familia Format The file format, physical medium, or dimensions of the resource JPG: 1367 KB Language A language of the resource Español Type The nature or genre of the resource Correograma Identifier An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context Una en Una Coverage The spatial or temporal topic of the resource, the spatial applicability of the resource, or the jurisdiction under which the resource is relevant 19/09/1973 /escritoras/archivos/files/original/b0af69d5567a0e887b6d97db1dd0efb9.jpg 55526b818141944bc57bacbe299e4f2b Dublin Core The Dublin Core metadata element set is common to all Omeka records, including items, files, and collections. For more information see, https://dublincore.org/documents/dces/. Title A name given to the resource Beatriz Lugo y familia Description An account of the resource La colección “Beatriz Lugo y familia” es un acervo de veintiocho fotografías, poemas, cartas y publicaciones de Beatriz Lugo Osornio en distintos momentos de su vida. En dicha colección también aparecen fotografías de sus familiares, en especifico de su madre, de su hermana y de sus sobrinas. Fue una donación digital de Beatriz Lugo al proyecto Una en Una y al Archivo Histórico de la UNAM. Text A resource consisting primarily of words for reading. Examples include books, letters, dissertations, poems, newspapers, articles, archives of mailing lists. Note that facsimiles or images of texts are still of the genre Text. Text Any textual data included in the document Carta mecanuscrita por el Lic. Rolando Rueda de León, en donde se le informa a Beatriz que es nombrada una de las mejores estudiantes del país. Y si le pide confirmar asistencia a la ceremonia. Original Format The type of object, such as painting, sculpture, paper, photo, and additional data Carta Dublin Core The Dublin Core metadata element set is common to all Omeka records, including items, files, and collections. For more information see, https://dublincore.org/documents/dces/. Title A name given to the resource Carta a la mejor estudiante de México: Beatriz Subject The topic of the resource Carta, Estudiante, Beatriz, Reconocimiento Description An account of the resource Carta mecanuscrita por el Lic. Rolando Rueda de León, en donde se le informa a Beatriz que es nombrada una de las mejores estudiantes del país. Y si le pide confirmar asistencia a la ceremonia. Creator An entity primarily responsible for making the resource Beatriz Lugo Osornio Source A related resource from which the described resource is derived AHUNAM/Beatriz Lugo Osornio Publisher An entity responsible for making the resource available Grupo de Investigación Escritos de Mujeres Date A point or period of time associated with an event in the lifecycle of the resource 2020 Contributor An entity responsible for making contributions to the resource Vanessa Cruz García Rights Information about rights held in and over the resource AHUNAM Relation A related resource Colección Beatriz y familia Format The file format, physical medium, or dimensions of the resource JPG: 1801 KB Language A language of the resource Español Type The nature or genre of the resource Carta Identifier An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context Una en Una Coverage The spatial or temporal topic of the resource, the spatial applicability of the resource, or the jurisdiction under which the resource is relevant 01/08/1974 /escritoras/archivos/files/original/3b456cec274fc7f9c83aaa10258c7f74.jpg c9273cbac8108bf24d52dce4e9beacb5 Dublin Core The Dublin Core metadata element set is common to all Omeka records, including items, files, and collections. For more information see, https://dublincore.org/documents/dces/. Title A name given to the resource Beatriz Lugo y familia Description An account of the resource La colección “Beatriz Lugo y familia” es un acervo de veintiocho fotografías, poemas, cartas y publicaciones de Beatriz Lugo Osornio en distintos momentos de su vida. En dicha colección también aparecen fotografías de sus familiares, en especifico de su madre, de su hermana y de sus sobrinas. Fue una donación digital de Beatriz Lugo al proyecto Una en Una y al Archivo Histórico de la UNAM. Still Image A static visual representation. Examples include paintings, drawings, graphic designs, plans and maps. Recommended best practice is to assign the type Text to images of textual materials. Original Format The type of object, such as painting, sculpture, paper, photo, and additional data Portada Physical Dimensions The actual physical size of the original image JPG: 1203 KB Dublin Core The Dublin Core metadata element set is common to all Omeka records, including items, files, and collections. For more information see, https://dublincore.org/documents/dces/. Title A name given to the resource Beatriz y su colaboración en técnicas aplicadas al nivel superior Subject The topic of the resource Beatriz, Técnicas, Educación Superior, Publicación Description An account of the resource Portada del libro titulado "Técnicas instruccionales aplicadas a la educación superior", editado por la editorial Trillas. Publicación en la cual Beatriz colaboró en 1979. Creator An entity primarily responsible for making the resource Beatriz Lugo Osornio Source A related resource from which the described resource is derived AHUNAM/Beatriz Lugo Osornio Publisher An entity responsible for making the resource available Grupo de Investigación Escritos de Mujeres Date A point or period of time associated with an event in the lifecycle of the resource 2020 Contributor An entity responsible for making contributions to the resource Vanessa Cruz García Rights Information about rights held in and over the resource AHUNAM Relation A related resource Colección Beatriz y familia Format The file format, physical medium, or dimensions of the resource JPG: 1203 KB Language A language of the resource Español Type The nature or genre of the resource Portada Identifier An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context Una en Una Coverage The spatial or temporal topic of the resource, the spatial applicability of the resource, or the jurisdiction under which the resource is relevant 1979