11 10 475 /escritoras/archivos/files/original/20f1f22169af5d3984ded46c5d5df494.jpg 031bca1d313a6b1f8e8e47a9a543cf01 Dublin Core The Dublin Core metadata element set is common to all Omeka records, including items, files, and collections. For more information see, https://dublincore.org/documents/dces/. Title A name given to the resource Carteles GIRE Subject The topic of the resource Carteles; Salud reproductiva; Aborto; Educación sexual; Violencia contra la mujer; GIRE; Mujeres; Libertad femenina Still Image A static visual representation. Examples include paintings, drawings, graphic designs, plans and maps. Recommended best practice is to assign the type Text to images of textual materials. Original Format The type of object, such as painting, sculpture, paper, photo, and additional data Cartel Dublin Core The Dublin Core metadata element set is common to all Omeka records, including items, files, and collections. For more information see, https://dublincore.org/documents/dces/. Title A name given to the resource Cambia tu vida... Subject The topic of the resource Violencia; Violencia contra las Mujeres; Mujeres Description An account of the resource Cartel con cuestionario para identificar si las personas son víctimas de violencia. Informó Instituto Nacional de las Mujeres México. Folio de origen 000032. Medidas: 90 X 60 cm Creator An entity primarily responsible for making the resource GIRE Source A related resource from which the described resource is derived GIRE Publisher An entity responsible for making the resource available Grupo de Investigación Escritos de Mujeres Date A point or period of time associated with an event in the lifecycle of the resource 2022 Contributor An entity responsible for making contributions to the resource Amanda Valencia Santiago Format The file format, physical medium, or dimensions of the resource .jpg Language A language of the resource Español Coverage The spatial or temporal topic of the resource, the spatial applicability of the resource, or the jurisdiction under which the resource is relevant s f /escritoras/archivos/files/original/e1cfea86e83365f2148906bcf7fb100d.jpg 2947970a80d7302cca3d5259cef32eff Dublin Core The Dublin Core metadata element set is common to all Omeka records, including items, files, and collections. For more information see, https://dublincore.org/documents/dces/. Title A name given to the resource Carteles GIRE Subject The topic of the resource Carteles; Salud reproductiva; Aborto; Educación sexual; Violencia contra la mujer; GIRE; Mujeres; Libertad femenina Still Image A static visual representation. Examples include paintings, drawings, graphic designs, plans and maps. Recommended best practice is to assign the type Text to images of textual materials. Original Format The type of object, such as painting, sculpture, paper, photo, and additional data Cartel Dublin Core The Dublin Core metadata element set is common to all Omeka records, including items, files, and collections. For more information see, https://dublincore.org/documents/dces/. Title A name given to the resource Todas lo afirmamos: Vivir sin violencia es nuestro derecho; y lo vamos a ejercer Subject The topic of the resource Violencia; Violencia contra las Mujeres; Mujeres Description An account of the resource Cartel sobre prevención de la violencia contra las mujeres. Instituto Nacional de las Mujeres México. Folio de origen 000066. Medidas: 56 X 43 cm. Creator An entity primarily responsible for making the resource GIRE Source A related resource from which the described resource is derived GIRE Publisher An entity responsible for making the resource available Grupo de Investigación Escritos de Mujeres Date A point or period of time associated with an event in the lifecycle of the resource 2022 Contributor An entity responsible for making contributions to the resource Amanda Valencia Santiago Format The file format, physical medium, or dimensions of the resource .jpg Language A language of the resource Español Coverage The spatial or temporal topic of the resource, the spatial applicability of the resource, or the jurisdiction under which the resource is relevant s f /escritoras/archivos/files/original/44dba565e7b5e9417cd8657e93731342.JPG 4f65907d5bd14ea5215941a118d3bf8c Dublin Core The Dublin Core metadata element set is common to all Omeka records, including items, files, and collections. For more information see, https://dublincore.org/documents/dces/. Title A name given to the resource Carteles GIRE Subject The topic of the resource Carteles; Salud reproductiva; Aborto; Educación sexual; Violencia contra la mujer; GIRE; Mujeres; Libertad femenina Still Image A static visual representation. Examples include paintings, drawings, graphic designs, plans and maps. Recommended best practice is to assign the type Text to images of textual materials. Original Format The type of object, such as painting, sculpture, paper, photo, and additional data Cartel Dublin Core The Dublin Core metadata element set is common to all Omeka records, including items, files, and collections. For more information see, https://dublincore.org/documents/dces/. Title A name given to the resource ¡No estás sola; tienes derecho a vivir sin violencia! Subject The topic of the resource Violencia; Mujeres; Ciudad de México Description An account of the resource Cartel sobre el 25 de noviembre Día Internacional para la Eliminación de la Violencia Contra la Mujer. Asesoría jurídica y sicológicas, talleres, actividades artístico-culturales e infantiles. Diseño de Odette Cid; oleo sobre tela 65 X 75 cm.; de Blanco E. Díaz. Convocó Secretaría de Desarrollo Social; Gobierno del Distrito Federal; Secretaría de Cultura. Folio de origen 000076. Medidas: 87.5 X 60 cm Creator An entity primarily responsible for making the resource GIRE Source A related resource from which the described resource is derived GIRE Publisher An entity responsible for making the resource available Grupo de Investigación Escritos de Mujeres Date A point or period of time associated with an event in the lifecycle of the resource 2022 Contributor An entity responsible for making contributions to the resource Amanda Valencia Santiago Format The file format, physical medium, or dimensions of the resource .jpg Language A language of the resource Español Coverage The spatial or temporal topic of the resource, the spatial applicability of the resource, or the jurisdiction under which the resource is relevant s f /escritoras/archivos/files/original/dbbc20f98715213f33fdc09c979d4320.jpg fe68ec2faa72397e9558b2938be27bfd /escritoras/archivos/files/original/5f0f9f9a58192752e58ab3403a2943c2.jpg 57f2dd36cff9bb18e9884f62486cf7f0 Dublin Core The Dublin Core metadata element set is common to all Omeka records, including items, files, and collections. For more information see, https://dublincore.org/documents/dces/. Title A name given to the resource Carteles GIRE Subject The topic of the resource Carteles; Salud reproductiva; Aborto; Educación sexual; Violencia contra la mujer; GIRE; Mujeres; Libertad femenina Still Image A static visual representation. Examples include paintings, drawings, graphic designs, plans and maps. Recommended best practice is to assign the type Text to images of textual materials. Original Format The type of object, such as painting, sculpture, paper, photo, and additional data Juego didáctico Dublin Core The Dublin Core metadata element set is common to all Omeka records, including items, files, and collections. For more information see, https://dublincore.org/documents/dces/. Title A name given to the resource Si alguien te pega, te insulta, se burla de ti o te amenaza, te está maltratando tú no lo mereces Subject The topic of the resource Violencia; Juego didáctico; Educación Description An account of the resource Documento para "descubrir lo importante que eres”. Informó Gobierno del Distrito Federal; Secretaría de Educación Público; tiene información de ambos lados. Folio de origen 000096. Medidas: 28 X 43 cm Creator An entity primarily responsible for making the resource GIRE Source A related resource from which the described resource is derived GIRE Publisher An entity responsible for making the resource available Grupo de Investigación Escritos de Mujeres Date A point or period of time associated with an event in the lifecycle of the resource 2022 Contributor An entity responsible for making contributions to the resource Amanda Valencia Santiago Format The file format, physical medium, or dimensions of the resource .jpg Language A language of the resource Español Coverage The spatial or temporal topic of the resource, the spatial applicability of the resource, or the jurisdiction under which the resource is relevant s f /escritoras/archivos/files/original/6556ce576879ea6d75b08b4a14a20563.jpg e088e721fb08bad6af2ff19eb3dac44f Dublin Core The Dublin Core metadata element set is common to all Omeka records, including items, files, and collections. For more information see, https://dublincore.org/documents/dces/. Title A name given to the resource Carteles GIRE Subject The topic of the resource Carteles; Salud reproductiva; Aborto; Educación sexual; Violencia contra la mujer; GIRE; Mujeres; Libertad femenina Still Image A static visual representation. Examples include paintings, drawings, graphic designs, plans and maps. Recommended best practice is to assign the type Text to images of textual materials. Original Format The type of object, such as painting, sculpture, paper, photo, and additional data Cartel Dublin Core The Dublin Core metadata element set is common to all Omeka records, including items, files, and collections. For more information see, https://dublincore.org/documents/dces/. Title A name given to the resource El hostigamiento sexual es un delito denúncialo. Subject The topic of the resource Acoso sexual; Hostigamiento; Mujeres Description An account of the resource Cartel contra el acoso y el hostigamiento sexual. Diseño de G. Gleason Informó Gobierno del Distrito Federal. UNIFEM. Folio de origen 000116. Medidas: 57.5 X 44 cm Creator An entity primarily responsible for making the resource GIRE Source A related resource from which the described resource is derived GIRE Publisher An entity responsible for making the resource available Grupo de Investigación Escritos de Mujeres Date A point or period of time associated with an event in the lifecycle of the resource 2022 Contributor An entity responsible for making contributions to the resource Amanda Valencia Santiago Format The file format, physical medium, or dimensions of the resource .jpg Language A language of the resource Español Coverage The spatial or temporal topic of the resource, the spatial applicability of the resource, or the jurisdiction under which the resource is relevant s f /escritoras/archivos/files/original/83f34e036bf86f2a511b4d65a83f5b53.jpg cc2c5b70ddb21054609e6c8df6cb5442 Dublin Core The Dublin Core metadata element set is common to all Omeka records, including items, files, and collections. For more information see, https://dublincore.org/documents/dces/. Title A name given to the resource Carteles GIRE Subject The topic of the resource Carteles; Salud reproductiva; Aborto; Educación sexual; Violencia contra la mujer; GIRE; Mujeres; Libertad femenina Still Image A static visual representation. Examples include paintings, drawings, graphic designs, plans and maps. Recommended best practice is to assign the type Text to images of textual materials. Original Format The type of object, such as painting, sculpture, paper, photo, and additional data Cartel Dublin Core The Dublin Core metadata element set is common to all Omeka records, including items, files, and collections. For more information see, https://dublincore.org/documents/dces/. Title A name given to the resource No + Violencia contra las mujeres Subject The topic of the resource Violencia; Violencia contra las Mujeres; Mujeres Description An account of the resource Cartel contra la violencia hacia las mujeres. Informó Coordinación Nacional del Foro Alternativo de ONGs hacia Beijing; Educación en Población UNFPA-SNE UNESCO. Folio de origen 000126. Medidas: 70 X 50 cm Creator An entity primarily responsible for making the resource GIRE Source A related resource from which the described resource is derived GIRE Publisher An entity responsible for making the resource available Grupo de Investigación Escritos de Mujeres Date A point or period of time associated with an event in the lifecycle of the resource 2022 Contributor An entity responsible for making contributions to the resource Amanda Valencia Santiago Format The file format, physical medium, or dimensions of the resource .jpg Language A language of the resource Español Coverage The spatial or temporal topic of the resource, the spatial applicability of the resource, or the jurisdiction under which the resource is relevant s f /escritoras/archivos/files/original/4c88fd5d6b06ef91dba933d6d0253484.jpg 2f83da3e76c6684a58ecbc45dd0b0cbf Dublin Core The Dublin Core metadata element set is common to all Omeka records, including items, files, and collections. For more information see, https://dublincore.org/documents/dces/. Title A name given to the resource Carteles GIRE Subject The topic of the resource Carteles; Salud reproductiva; Aborto; Educación sexual; Violencia contra la mujer; GIRE; Mujeres; Libertad femenina Still Image A static visual representation. Examples include paintings, drawings, graphic designs, plans and maps. Recommended best practice is to assign the type Text to images of textual materials. Original Format The type of object, such as painting, sculpture, paper, photo, and additional data Cartel Dublin Core The Dublin Core metadata element set is common to all Omeka records, including items, files, and collections. For more information see, https://dublincore.org/documents/dces/. Title A name given to the resource Comunica sobre una vida sin violencia. Un derecho nuestro. Hagamos un nuevo trato Subject The topic of the resource Violencia; Mujeres; Niñas Description An account of the resource Cartel. Violencia en contra de la mujer. Informó Campaña de las Naciones Unidas por los Derechos Humanos de las Mujeres y las Niñas; Contra la Violencia. Folio de origen 000127. Medidas: 58 X 44 cm. Creator An entity primarily responsible for making the resource GIRE Source A related resource from which the described resource is derived GIRE Publisher An entity responsible for making the resource available Grupo de Investigación Escritos de Mujeres Date A point or period of time associated with an event in the lifecycle of the resource 2022 Contributor An entity responsible for making contributions to the resource Amanda Valencia Santiago Format The file format, physical medium, or dimensions of the resource .jpg Language A language of the resource Español Coverage The spatial or temporal topic of the resource, the spatial applicability of the resource, or the jurisdiction under which the resource is relevant s f /escritoras/archivos/files/original/561fe467aa543a32e45fcfb4b7eff122.jpg 0773e72c52250ac7a42159b15718bfc4 Dublin Core The Dublin Core metadata element set is common to all Omeka records, including items, files, and collections. For more information see, https://dublincore.org/documents/dces/. Title A name given to the resource Carteles GIRE Subject The topic of the resource Carteles; Salud reproductiva; Aborto; Educación sexual; Violencia contra la mujer; GIRE; Mujeres; Libertad femenina Still Image A static visual representation. Examples include paintings, drawings, graphic designs, plans and maps. Recommended best practice is to assign the type Text to images of textual materials. Original Format The type of object, such as painting, sculpture, paper, photo, and additional data Cartel Dublin Core The Dublin Core metadata element set is common to all Omeka records, including items, files, and collections. For more information see, https://dublincore.org/documents/dces/. Title A name given to the resource Alto a la Violencia. Subject The topic of the resource Violencia; Violencia contra las mujeres; Derechos Description An account of the resource Cartel sobre la Campaña Nacional por los Derechos Humanos de las Mujeres. Fotografía de Lucero González y diseño de Mónica Aguilar V. Imprime Milenio Feminista. Folio de origen 000133. Medidas: 90 X 61 cm Creator An entity primarily responsible for making the resource GIRE Source A related resource from which the described resource is derived GIRE Publisher An entity responsible for making the resource available Grupo de Investigación Escritos de Mujeres Date A point or period of time associated with an event in the lifecycle of the resource 2022 Contributor An entity responsible for making contributions to the resource Amanda Valencia Santiago Format The file format, physical medium, or dimensions of the resource .jpg Language A language of the resource Español Coverage The spatial or temporal topic of the resource, the spatial applicability of the resource, or the jurisdiction under which the resource is relevant s f /escritoras/archivos/files/original/a24fc1de9e0b00cd5c6d2f74f14e38a4.jpg 6be3e295f86e18a24773dc713ff1884a Dublin Core The Dublin Core metadata element set is common to all Omeka records, including items, files, and collections. For more information see, https://dublincore.org/documents/dces/. Title A name given to the resource Carteles GIRE Subject The topic of the resource Carteles; Salud reproductiva; Aborto; Educación sexual; Violencia contra la mujer; GIRE; Mujeres; Libertad femenina Still Image A static visual representation. Examples include paintings, drawings, graphic designs, plans and maps. Recommended best practice is to assign the type Text to images of textual materials. Original Format The type of object, such as painting, sculpture, paper, photo, and additional data Cartel Dublin Core The Dublin Core metadata element set is common to all Omeka records, including items, files, and collections. For more information see, https://dublincore.org/documents/dces/. Title A name given to the resource Todas tenemos derecho a recibir atención de calidad. Subject The topic of the resource Violencia; Violencia contra las mujeres; Salud Description An account of the resource Carte sobre denunciar maltrato en los servicios de salud. Diseño de Mónica Aguilar; impresión Estudio Tres. Informó Red por la Salud de las Mujeres del D. F.; Red de Salud de las Mujeres Latinoamericanas y del Caribe. Folio de origen 000150. Medidas: 55 X 41 cm Creator An entity primarily responsible for making the resource GIRE Source A related resource from which the described resource is derived GIRE Publisher An entity responsible for making the resource available Grupo de Investigación Escritos de Mujeres Date A point or period of time associated with an event in the lifecycle of the resource 2022 Contributor An entity responsible for making contributions to the resource Amanda Valencia Santiago Format The file format, physical medium, or dimensions of the resource .jpg Language A language of the resource Español Coverage The spatial or temporal topic of the resource, the spatial applicability of the resource, or the jurisdiction under which the resource is relevant s f /escritoras/archivos/files/original/9c089fd6ed7bb5a8910699aaed8c3bc3.JPG b665e8a68567d5312ddf42483be631ab Dublin Core The Dublin Core metadata element set is common to all Omeka records, including items, files, and collections. For more information see, https://dublincore.org/documents/dces/. Title A name given to the resource Diploma Gabriela Galván Description An account of the resource El “Diploma Gabriela Galván” es un diploma otorgado por el presidente de la república Porfirio Díaz a la alumna de primaria Gabriela Galván, en 1909, en reconocimiento a su “aplicación y aprovechamiento”. Still Image A static visual representation. Examples include paintings, drawings, graphic designs, plans and maps. Recommended best practice is to assign the type Text to images of textual materials. Original Format The type of object, such as painting, sculpture, paper, photo, and additional data Documento mecanuscrito Dublin Core The Dublin Core metadata element set is common to all Omeka records, including items, files, and collections. For more information see, https://dublincore.org/documents/dces/. Title A name given to the resource Diploma Subject The topic of the resource Diploma, Porfirio Díaz, Presidente Description An account of the resource Documento mecanuscrito.Diploma que otorga el presidente de la república, Porfirio Díaz, a la alumna Gabriela Galván. Creator An entity primarily responsible for making the resource Dirección General de Instrucción Primaria del Distrito y Territorios Federales Publisher An entity responsible for making the resource available Grupo de Investigación Escritos de Mujeres Date A point or period of time associated with an event in the lifecycle of the resource 2019 Contributor An entity responsible for making contributions to the resource Jessica Alejandra López Lujano Rights Information about rights held in and over the resource AHUNAM Relation A related resource Diploma Gabriela G Format The file format, physical medium, or dimensions of the resource JPG Dimensiones: 3500 × 2311 Language A language of the resource Español Type The nature or genre of the resource Diploma Identifier An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context Una en una Coverage The spatial or temporal topic of the resource, the spatial applicability of the resource, or the jurisdiction under which the resource is relevant 1909